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Please Chumma draw!

06 October, 2012

Use Less, Go Green!

Let's consciously try and avoid consuming more than what we need. Let's think before buying any product. Do we really need it? Recycle...Reuse...Go Green for that is the way to keep our City Clean!


  1. very nice , drawing as well as message,
    note: E waste can be recycled , there are scrap dealers who buy this.who extract the metals from this.ANother thing i do,is to keep the free thin polythene bags from shops, folded and re use.But the best way is to carry cloth bags,in the bike or sridhar ji said, ONLY buy what u can consume..(sorry for this gyan)

    1. Agree with Vidhu. We have been moving towards becoming a consumerist society, like the West. They have realised their mistakes, and are moving in the right direction(generally).
      Anna, your drawing conveys a great message.

  2. A sign of our times!

  3. Tks all.. Incidentally I drew this Cartoon for the book LIVING IN BENGALURU but for this posting changed a lot of details including the man's face! And finally this is a green creation as I don't use paper now a days! My Wacom is there na!! :)

  4. agreed v vidhu and nandita.very nice message
