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Please Chumma draw!

29 November, 2012


Artistically bald! 
Posting an old work :)

On a lighter note:
God made few perfect heads all the rest he covered with hair!

385_The Bald and the Beautiful

For background info on this phobia, see HERE.

Hair today!!!

Well this is what I could come up for todays theme : Bald :)


I am surprised to know that I chose the word 'Bald' for Chumma Draw. Two things that scare me most are bald men and mushrooms.  I didn't want to copy a bald head from google images as that would be a trite interpretation, so I decide to show my fear of Bald in this quick drawing of a Scary Bald Thing. 
This is how I perceive bald men.

And Donna's DQ labs book is slowly filling up :)


Sorry for the poor quality and small image of pic. I generally post it from  mobile so it coms like this :(




Today's topic is Bald.

"I don't consider myself bald, I'm just taller than my hair."
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair. But a confident bald man - there's your diamond in the rough."
~ Larry David

"The tenderest spot in a man's make-up is sometimes the bald spot on top of his head."
~ Helen Rowland

"That's the problem with having a bald head. It exaggerates the shape."
~ Karl Pilkington

"We're all born bald, baby."
~ Telly Savalas 

Thanks to Priya for suggesting today's topic

Happy Drawing :)

28 November, 2012

Happy Guru Nanak Jayanthi

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

384_Guru Nanak

Today's topic is Guru Nanak.

There is but One God, His name is Truth, He is the Creator, He fears none, he is without hate, He never dies, He is beyond the cycle of births and death, He is self illuminated, He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning, He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True, He is also True now.
~ Guru Nanak

Happy Drawing :)

27 November, 2012

God bless u Janki

Happy Birthday dear Janki..many many happy returns of d day........God bless u .keep smiling

383_Happy Budday, JS!

Thanks to ChummaDrawer Darshita Panchal for the guest appearance! :)
Original photo can be seen HERE.

Happy Birthday

Wish you a very happy birthday

Here's a Jai to Janki!!

Happy Birthday Janki!

Apologies for using the ref w/o permission 
and if this doesnt resemble you.

Sure feels good to draw though :)

383_Janki Soni

Today's topic is Janki Soni. Chumma Drawer Janki Soni celebrates her birthday today!

Happy Drawing :)

26 November, 2012


tiffin box

I always envied classmates who brought steel tiffin dabbas for lunch since each compartment was filled with delicious veggie food which I absolutely loved.

With Best Compliments pl!!

382_Tiffin Box

Today's topic is Tiffin Box.

Share your tiffin dabba today!

Thanks to Sridhar for suggesting today's topic.

Happy Drawing :)

25 November, 2012

ID Please?


Today's topic is Woodpecker.

"Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts."
~ Coleman Cox

Happy Drawing :)

23 November, 2012

I believe in u

Thanks akhila for this topic

How to trust?


Today's topic is Trust.

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."~ William Shakespeare

Thanks to Akhila for suggesting today's topic.

Happy Drawing :)

22 November, 2012

378_Thank You CDrawers!

\m/  (^_^)  \m/

ChummaDrawers rock!

Thank you!

Thanks Rajni saar for CD!

Thanks all CDs for your lovely Greetings!

Please see my post about myself here:

thanks giving day

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway~
Thanksgiving comes again! 
~Old Rhyme


Today's topic is Thanksgiving.
"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'Thank you', that would suffice."
~ Meister Eckhart

Happy Drawing :)

21 November, 2012

377_Have a great toony year ahead, Sir!

Happy Birthday!

a quick caricature after many days

Hope you have a nice time today Sridhar Sir :)

Jest for Fun!!

Happy birthday Anna ur digital style

many happy returns of d day.cut many more creamy cakes.and keep us laughing n smiling v ur current topic jokes:)

Happy bday

Many many happy returns of the day

377_Sridhar Comaravalli

Today's topic is Sridhar Comaravalli.

Super prolific, Super Creative, Super ChummaDrawer Sridhar Comaravalli celebrates his birthday today!

Happy Drawing :)

20 November, 2012


The Creator of Mona Lisa

376_Leonardo Da Vinci

Today's topic is Leonardo Da Vinci.

"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else. The trick is the doing something else."
~ Leonardo da Vinci

Happy Drawing :)

19 November, 2012



In my eye!


The Crowning Glory!


Today's topic is Surrealism.

"The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood."
~ Andre Breton

“I do not understand why, when I ask for grilled lobster in a restaurant, I'm never served a cooked telephone.”
~ Salvador Dalí

Happy Drawing :)