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Please Chumma draw!

20 March, 2012

pen drive -watercolor-A5

just now i noticed that need to write something, since its being 'pen' drive, definitely will write...
its my 8 gb pen drive, i bought tis one from indore, main purpose for copying movies and music only...its being plastic, no current shock( my CPU is a dangerous one, before starting it, i just pray every time. Its like mini transformer)...

no net connection for past five days, so its a live sketch,15 mins took to complete(after 10 days i took wc)... thats all...!



  1. Your sense of humour is real funny!
    Nice sketch. Like that metal-plastic look you got.

  2. "for copying movies and music only"
    Paraniji, if the govt knows about this, they could make you sit on a bigger electric shock provider, where you may have to say your last prayers :P
