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29 September, 2012

Dark days ahead

Mario Miranda welcomes Dr. Satish Sringeri. 
A photo-op moment before they proceed to draw for the event.

The days are indeed dark in the future 
when a gifted young cartoonist passes away :((

RIP Dr. Satish Sringeri


  1. Very true Prabha! I had the opportunity of meeting him and his Bro Raghu for a brief while at ICA. He was so humble and good. And his Cartoons or Pills as he called them were a treat. Why shud He have snatched away a Life that brought laughter to thousands so early at age 44? May His Soul RIP.

  2. Pills? So sweet of him to say that. You are lucky to have met him. His drawing skills and witty humor will be missed.

  3. Sad indeed, but something bright for all those souls in heaven :)
