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11 July, 2012

Birthday Wishes

Haven't met Spoorthy,wishing you have a fun birthday with lots of loved ones and cupcakes ;)
Vidhu thanks for the challenge,was fun!


  1. Hey thats cool Ramya..too god with ur dialogues..u shud try writing some plays..

    Spoorthy , pls ask ur kids to press the Enter button of the Oven and make some Cup cakes.. :))

  2. Lol, brilliant Ramya! I see you're an animation fan too :D

  3. Ramya, thanks for ur art work :)

  4. Vidhu,Thanks for the appreciation! You sparked it off with that comic illustration.

    Sridhar,I am fascinated by your caricatures.Thank you Sir.

    Dinesh,thanks! Yes this was inspired by "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" :)

    Spoorthy, I saw the english translation of your "Sneha" poem on your blog.Its brilliant!Wish you the best!
