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Please Chumma draw!

15 December, 2011

036_Wig: Koochie Koo + Agoo = :P

Dinesh Francis
Ballpen + Watercolours


  1. hahahahhah so hilarious dinesh
    hope Ishaan doesnt do like that

  2. Ishaan commented MEMEMEME
    HOPE this is not his future plan

  3. Lol, I'd better be careful of my 'wig' the next time Ishaan's around!! :D

  4. ROFL! Babies are bad for toupee bizness!
    Loved the kid hands going all over his face before he removes it 'a goo?'

  5. his wife's delighted!! lol! did koochie koo have a fake moustache too? n hey..the way u've shown the kid's hand movements - awesome! never really knew how to show movement in cartoons!

  6. Prabha, thanks!

    Rashmi, that's the art of 'static animation'. You gotta make use of 'action lines' to convey a sense of movement. Even a couple of lines are enough to suggest action - like in the last panel, where the guy and the lady are reacting to the whole tragi-comedy. Obviously, more violent the action is, more the action lines :)

  7. A great one...(I too thought on similar lines but somehow could not find time to draw!)
